How to Pack and Move Valuable Items Safely

It is easy to pack books in boxes and be stress-free during a move. However, you may be stressed about how to pack and move your valuables without damaging them. You need all the help you can get from professionals, family members, and friends. You should also research to get a better understanding of the safety of your valuables. Use these tips to ensure your valuables are packed and transported safely.
Inform Your Movers about the Valuables
When hiring any moving company, it is crucial to inform them of what they will be transporting to make them prepared. Most people are stressed about how their valuable items, especially office valuables such as computers and printing machines, will be moved. However, when working with reliable and expert movers, your valuables will be safely packed and moved. However, your movers should be fully informed about the items you are moving to know the attention each requires and the cost to charge. The Advance Group can offer reliable moving services and pack your valuables professionally to ensure they are safe during the move.
Have a List and Photos of Your Valuables
When packing and moving valuable things, it could not hurt to list them all and even take photos of them. This might seem like a tedious job, but it is very helpful, especially when the valuable items are large and will be transported by your movers in your absence. These pictures will act as proof of their previous condition in case they are damaged when moving. Additionally, if the valuables have any documents like certificates or warranties, it is good to ensure they stay with you during the move.
The Small Valuables Should Be With You
In most cases, movers only offer moving services for your items, which means you have to find traveling means for you and your family separately. It is impossible for big valuables to be in your sight during the move, but it is possible for small valuables. Things such as expensive jewelry and important documents should be packed in your essentials bag. Keep them close to you and avoid leaving them in a public place.
Purchase Insurance
What will happen during the move is unpredictable. Anything is possible, and your movers might get into an accident, get robbed, or lose items unknowingly. To be on the safe side, purchase insurance for your valuables to cater for any unexpected occurrence. When your current insurance does not cover relocation for valuables, get additional insurance cover for the expensive things. This way, your valuable items will be transported safely, and you will be assured of recovery if anything happens along the way.
Invest In Quality Packing Materials
Using quality supplies to pack your valuables guarantees their safety. Pack your things in strong boxes to increase their protection. Use packing papers as the initial protective layer for your valuables before putting them in a box. Wrap your valuables with plastic wrapping bubbles to keep your items intact and safe.
It is normal to worry about how your valuable items will be packed and moved. Use this anxiety to ensure your things are transported to their destination safely. List them all on separate sheets of paper, take their photos, use quality materials to pack them, and get insurance coverage for them to be on the safe side. While experts handle the large valuables, keep the small ones close to you along the journey.