Why install solar panels on new builds?

Solar PV on new build homes

In 2021, new regulations came into effect for developers of new builds. They stated that a 31% reduction in carbon emissions should be achieved with every project. Monitored by the Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP), which measures a new build’s energy rating, the regulations are intended to ensure the country is meeting its environmental targets.

Why add solar panels?

Solar panels are not a mandatory requirement for new builds. However, installing them can put developers on the right foot when it comes to meeting minimum energy requirements and achieving a good SAP score. In fact, they’re one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways of saving energy. Not only that, the nation is much more used to the sight of solar panels on roofs, meaning they’re now widely regarded as a positive addition to a property. Here are just a few reasons why developers should consider adding solar panels to their new builds.

A better SAP score

The SAP score forms the basis of a building’s Energy Performance Certificate, which must be provided in order to sell or lease a property. The better the SAP score, the better the EPC rating, which often means a better sale price. Solar panels provide an inexpensive way of gaining a better SAP score and achieving that all-important 31% reduction in emissions.

Savings on roofing costs

Calling in the solar PV installers during the build means that solar panels can be integrated into the roof, making them part of the structure itself. This is called BIPV and can result in cost savings on other roofing materials.

A better BREEAM score

As another measure of sustainability for buildings, the BREEAM score (Building Research Establishment’s Environmental Assessment Method) advises potential buyers of a property’s low environmental impact. Like a good EPC rating, this can enable developers to sell at higher prices. Solar panels are an effective way to improve the BREEAM score and increase the marketability of properties.

Market leading design

Demonstrating an aptitude for market leading design can give developers the edge over their competitors and ensure they win further contracts from forward thinking investors. Solar panels are a great way to demonstrate innovation and a concern for sustainability.

Solar panels make an ideal addition to new builds, offering multiple benefits for both developers and homeowners. With solar PV systems more affordable than ever, the cost of installation is reduced, delivering a further advantage to developers. Since 2010, solar panels have become 82% less expensive while providing improved efficiency and longevity. Systems now last between 20-30 years, which offers a significant benefit to those buying a property during or shortly after build.

Solar panel installation for new builds

If you’re a developer in the southeast and are looking to install solar panels on your new build properties, get in touch with a reputable solar PV specialist in Kent. Ensure your provider is MCS certified and has several years of experience. This will ensure the work is completed to the highest standards.

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